      God, Our Everlasting Source of all Good


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“And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Revelation 21:3-4; King James Bible Version (KJV).  

        In the material sense of being, we are in need of an infinite number of things: clothing, shelter, friends, pleasant weather, health, money, as well as emotional things, such as joy, peace, self-confidence, safety and love.  We need these things to survive the finite, material environment in which we find ourselves trapped.  In this human experience, where we seem to have a dual identity as both material and spiritual creatures, each day brings us to new material things we need for our well-being and survival.

         Believing ourselves to be cut off from our divine Source of being (God)  we spend every day just trying to provide for ourselves and obtain all the conditions, and things, that are materially necessary for our survival of body and mind.  From this mental standpoint, the idea of a spiritual, invisible God can seem irrelevant.  As material mortals in a material sense of reality, physical and mental survival is the name of the game.

Yet, Christ Jesus once told us, “…do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For after all these things the Gentiles seek.  For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  (Matthew 6: 31-33; New King James Version (NKJV).

Now, the kingdom of God isn’t something we can materially find or identify.  Yet, it is supposed to be ever-present with us, despite all appearances to the contrary.  So, the kingdom of God must be a mental place, not a physical location.  It must be a state of mind, or consciousness, which we can achieve just by knowing of its existence within us.  And this higher state of mind is a conscious awareness of the realm of Spirit, in which we are told, for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’  (Acts 17:28; NKJV).

God is a spiritual presence…not a physical being.  Spirit does not exist as a finite form.  Because of this, divine Spirit (who we call God) can be ever-present, even when undetected by any of the five (limited) physical senses of our material body form.  Of this divine Spirit the Bible tells us: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10: NKJV).   This means that God, Spirit, is above and beyond all other beliefs of existence.  It is the only real power in existence.  Material-seeming powers appear, only, in our temporarily time here.  These false powers do not exist in our spiritual, ever-lasting life in God (Spirit’s) realm.

God is progressively ‘exalted in the earth’ as the realization of spiritual reality (as present and active) becomes more commonly perceived in the whole, collective consciousness of mankind.  At this present time, only a small portion of humanity leans in the direction of Spirit.  For those who have yet to perceive spiritual, rather than material existence as our true reality, all problems still seem to be out of even God’s reach.  In that false state of mind, we continue to feel as though we are always “on our own.”

Yet, consider this well-known analogy:  If one has a gold mine in his or her yard, but doesn’t know of it, the gold can do that individual little good.  While it stays hidden from view or conscious perception, it may as well not be there at all.  Yet, once it is known to its owner, the gold could be a source of supply for a long time, even though it is still hidden to others.

That is what the kingdom of God is like:  it is visible to the consciousness that perceives its invisible presence; but it remains hidden to those who do not know of its presence and, therefore, fail to turn to this divine kingdom, within their own consciousness, for deliverance of whatever is lacking in their human life experience.  Human lack is a manifestation of belief in lack; it is not a divine state of being, as is produced by the harmony of God’s spiritually present creation. 

So, to experience the benefits of God’s ever-presence with us, we must first believe in this divine presence.  It is with each of us.  It has never left us to our own follies (our physical troubles).  And it is a choice.  We either decide to believe in the spiritual fact of God’s sovereignty and heavenly, loving care and presence, or we decide NOT to believe in it.  Then, when our own beliefs keep us from expecting God’s loving power over all creation, we proceed to materialize the bad fruits of our own belief system.

In the Bible, Matthew 8:13 (NKJV)  tells us that once a centurion came to Christ Jesus to heal his servant, to which Jesus replied:  “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.  And the servant was healed that very same hour.”  

These words about belief do not represent a punishment from God, when we don’t believe.  Rather, Jesus was alerting humanity to the effects of belief, itself, in this human level of thought.  We become victims of our own beliefs about everything.  We accept, through our own, private beliefs, all sorts of ‘lacks of good’, such as lack of health, lack of safety, lack of supply, lack of harmony, lack of peace, opportunity, the list is endless. 

We accept these lacks of good when we do not perceive God’s ever-present love and care for us.  So, instead of turning to God’s forever love for his own off-spring, we do not turn, mentally, to the spiritual laws of God’s creation that are  invisibly present at all times, and which would have brought forth into the human situation, whatever good we seemed to be missing materially.

Actually, the Bible is full of stories that tell of individuals who overcame great adversities by believing in God’s sovereign presence and power over creation.  To name a few, there was David’s stand against Goliath, Daniel’s safety among the lions in the Den, Mary Magdalene’s plight against those who would stone her, and even Christ Jesus’ rise above material death on the cross.  All threats of danger were overturned by divine decree…God’s Law. 

God has no contenders.  No one defeats the ultimate power of the divine Creator and Its spiritual universe.  That’s what Jesus’ mission was all about:  showing us that our real life is deathless, despite the physical death process.  And even those who refuse to believe in the presence and power of Spirit, (and perhaps lose their lives earlier in this human sojourn by doing so) these mistaken ones still awake on the other side of physical death, to learn that they had not died at all, for one, simple reason:  we are each the spiritual child of God, the only Creator; and Spirit’s children cannot actually die.  Physical death may shorten our time here, in this false, material sense of reality, but this human experience is not a permanent place.  Our ever-lasting spiritual identities have existed before our entry here, in the finite, physical scene, and they will go on after our earthly experience ceases.

One may not come to these realizations while still going through this earthly experience, but we will all end up, one day, fully awake to our spiritual identity and reality.  So, today, we should live for today.  Today, we will find both good and bad things in our human situations, before the day is over.  How we handle these experiences is an individual matter.  No one can do it for us.  For when we leave spiritual being out of our belief system, the blessings we could have had, while here, will be absent from our daily lives. 

The human experience is like a school:  we are learning what to do, and what not to do, to bring us into the complete and ever-lasting harmony that awaits us in our fully-awakened state of being.  The kingdom of God can permit no one to be destructive, in any way, shape or form.  So, we must learn how to live in eternity.

Now, it’s only my opinion that the human, temporary life experience is about learning what to be, and what not to be.  It is our training ground for eternity.  I could be wrong, of course, but I don’t think so.  There is something larger afoot than we, ourselves.  For example, these articles I write each month come to me, sometimes, in the night when I’m sleeping.  I don’t create them.  It’s more like someone is dictating them to me.  Yet, I have to awaken and write, or lose them.  So, day or night, I wait for that soft, quiet voice within me to tell me what to write for each month.  When, or if, this ‘assignment’ stops in the future, I’ll just go on to something else and feel that my mission is done.  But until then, I’ll be at my computer, once a month, getting out the message that I hear from within, which comes through me, but not from me.  I’ve been so blessed, all my earthly life experience, not to do so.

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